Herb Energetics, an online course, by Kiva Rose, a well-known herbal blogger and co-founder of the Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference
Kiva has published her secrets of how she learns so much about plants without using books. Her plant monographs, like the one below, are famous for their deep exploration into herbs that you will not find in other places.
Click here to learn just HOW she does it. The course goes on sale at noon EDT 03 Novemeber 2010
Do you REALLY know chamomile? Read Kiva's article to see how much you do know …
Earth Apple: The Bittersweet Medicine of Chamomile
By Kiva Rose
I am excited to finally be able to go deeper into explaining herbal energetics in my upcoming course, Herb Energetics with Kiva Rose.
Let’s begin with an herb we all know and love, chamomile.
However, do you REALLY know Chamomile?
Chamomile means “earth apple” which is easy to understand when we accidentally trample the flowers underfoot and suddenly smell the welcome fragrance of apples rising from the earth. In the same way, Spanish speaking peoples often use the name Manzanilla, literally meaning “little apple”.
Even for those largely unfamiliar with herbs, the distinctive sweet scent of Chamomile is often both familiar and comforting. This plant is many people’s first and perhaps only introduction to herbalism, often from a cup of honey-sweetened and belly-calming tea from their grandmother.
Many children enjoy eating the buds or just opened flowers, savoring the sweet aromatic taste of the plant, and rarely seeming to mind the slightly bitter aftertaste. Some patches of Chamomile, depending on phase of flowering and availability of moisture, are much more bitter than others but the fragrant sweetness persists even in the most bitter batches.
Far from irrelevant, these signature sensory characteristics of Chamomile that make the plant memorable in our minds are also the primary keys to understanding how to work with Matricaria (chamomile) as a medicine.
Click here to watch Kiva Rose explain her approach to Herb Energetics.
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