
Honey . . . a sticky issue

From: SeattlePI.com
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Last updated January 2, 2009 9:56 a.m. PT

HONEY LAUNDERING: A Seattle PI special report

When it comes to sizing up the purity of the honey you buy, you're pretty much on your own.

The P-I sent dozens of samples of honey to be tested at several analytical labs in the country and confronted the same problems that those in the industry encounter. No one could conclusively state the country of origin for the honey being tested. As it stands now, only one or two highly specialized labs in Germany claim the ability to determine a precise geographic location for honey.

You may be paying more for honey labeled "certified organic" or feel reassured by the "USDA Grade A" seal, but the truth is, there are few federal standards for honey, no government certification and no consequences for making false claims.

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