
When can you create an Echinacea Tincture?


The answer - Summer, fall and spring! 

It is October and Fall is here. The Echinacea is nearly dormant.

This morning I had an out of state request for Echinacea Tincture. Not wishing to be unlawful and ship alcohol over state lines, I dug the roots, picked seed heads and a few leaves that were still filled with the plant's energy.

The roots were cleaned and spread out to dry. The seeds pulled out of the seed heads using needle-nosed pliers. The leaves were checked for dirt. Once the roots are dry the package will be put in the mail with the following instructions on making a tincture.

Chop the roots and the leaves into small pieces and place in a jar that has a tightly fitting top, for example, a preserving jar. Add the seeds. Pour 100 proof vodka (50% alcohol) to cover plus an additional two inches above the plant material. Label the jar with a list of the contents and the date. Put an end date as well. Place on the counter where you will see it daily. Give the jar a good shake every day for four to six weeks. When the time is up strain the liquid into a glass jar - dark blue or brown are best. Store in a dark, cool place.

For the rest of the year...
Early in the Spring, before the plants start growing you could harvest roots. Chop the roots into small pieces and place in a jar that has a tightly fitting top, for example, a preserving jar. Pour 100 proof vodka (50% alcohol) to cover plus an additional two inches above the plant material. Label the jar with a list of the contents and the date. Once the plants are growing collect leaves and buds and add to your jar, adjusting the level of the vodka and the date. In the Summer add blossoms and leaves repeat the same process. Place on the counter where you will see it daily. Give the jar a good shake every day for four to six weeks. When the time is up strain the liquid into a glass jar - dark blue or brown are best. Store in a dark, cool place.

Sign in to Learning Herbs (https://learningherbs.com/remedies-recipes/strep-throat-remedy/) for how to use your tincture plus lots more free information for the whole family.

Rosemary Gladstar has posted a video on making your own tincture. It is a great way to start your herbal journey.

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